Saturday, December 29, 2018

More snow and gratefulness

This morning was a winter wonderland the birds were at the bird feeder,the deer greeted us patiently waiting silent,the birds were flying hithern and thither, scolding and a murder of crows sat in the trees sulking where is our breakfast?  Paul fed the deers and I fed the birds Stellar Jays so regal and beautiful.  The we went to visit Orya, we had a very warm hat and a long shawl like scarf. .then there was practice, a beautiful walk, and a number of glasses of water.
The mountains are different every time you look at them, this day they were dressed in their finery, the sun was warm and bright, the air cool and crisp  the mountains were bejeweled glistening showing off! Her crown was Snow White, with a circlette of wisps of grey clouds them a cream and sand fell gracefully to the valley, they were tryely magnificent. Arriving home
There was hot tea, fresh banana nut bread,  while Paul built the fire back up. And covered the car as It is going to be 1 degree tonight.
A nap seemed a perfect idea.
Gratefulness  a warm house, down comforter, our sweet cat curled up napping

Friday, December 28, 2018

snow in the mountains

Today it snowed only a few inches but much needed, I walked, to see Oriya, I had a warm hat and shall for her.  The new year seems to arriving slowly here, The Dakini Tzog is on New Years Eve.
I am feeling bette and a little stronger, but coffee still does not taste the same. I look forward to my afternoon tea. I have walking poles, and love to walk in the snow, the deer lift there heads expectedly Duncan walks to the dense for his carrot. A murder of black crows are watching from the trees. And the mountains have disappeared  behind a mist of snow.  There are no cars in the road , it is still and quiet, om mani padme hum.
I made a wonderful soup and Paul shoveled the snow. Simplicity
Slowly , we are healing, from the striving the struggling, always rushing, the complexity of the Ego
The future will always be better syndrome, of the Ego.
I find myself just sitting, or standing watching praying meditating,
Having lost everything , I find that I do not want it all back
Just what I need, what is that? What do I need?

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Hello, its been awhile
We are in Colorado, getting use to the altitude .  With being an old cave woman adjusting takes longer..
Our R.V. Died in Missery, so we lost it all.but we pressed on. We went on retreat.
Practice ,practice, practice.
We have a beautiful grey round house, the ceiling is a mandala of wood.
I have started writing again . It is coming along slowly but I am working a little every day.
My new project for here as we are not traveling,, for now.Is the Yogis and Yoginis living in the
Coming up in a few weeks will be our first interview.
I am also getting ready for my first gallery show in many years.trained as a portrait artist I will be also doing portraits of the Yogis and the Yoginis in these mountains.
The mountains are so magnificent, walking in them , and meditating by the stream heals your soul.
Christmas Eve was different this year, the winter solstice, and a Shiva moon , it was an amazing night.
Our word: perserverance

Saturday, July 21, 2018

JULY 21, 2018,
Repairs, wiring
New battery
Connecting solar panels now that they are up
Three way switch,
A breakdown cruise is very necessary, A MONTH, LOL
We have been staying at a friends home and moving outdate is around the 28th
 Going. To a Party to say bye at Johnnies
Leaving on Sat. The 28th,
If all goes according to plan
This Sunday  David is going to connect the solar, put in 3way switch, and hook up a new battery to the generator.
Fingers are cross.
The plan is to stock up and get on the road by Aug.2nd.!


Monday, July 9, 2018

JULY 9TH, 2018
Well we went to the check out the tire, all was good, then the car stalled and would not start , took out the old battery, bought a new battery, put in the new battery still would not start. Then replaced the fuse, It still did not start.
Had it towed went to a friends to stay, and we are still waiting to hear and it’s Monday the 9th,
Spiritual Point of View:

Friday, July 6, 2018

Good-Morning It's the 6th of July,day four, and we left the lights on soooo, dead battery , our son Sebastian came to the rescue once again on this break down , and a battery charger is another purchase we will be making. The refrigerator went out threw all the food out, bought ice for night, off to put air in the tire and check to make sure that it all survived the rock incident. Laundry is also on the schedule. And about the refrigerator perhaps a new one!
Trying to learn to up load a video, coming soon
Have a beautiful day!
From a spiritual point of view,
I don't mind WHAT HAPPENS!

It's the Fourth of July, 2018
Our second day, parked on the beach near a Trader Joe's and Home Depot
Ordered our third Solar Panel kit it should be in  and up and running and we will be on our way
A sudden thunder storm and we sprung a leak,where the wires come together through the roof. Sebastian my son was visiting us to see how we are, and he bounded up the roof and fixed it.
We are out at Panera having lemon water, and waiting for the fireworks.
We are heading to Saint Augustine, and the merry-go-round.tomorrow.
The dogs are adjusting to R.V. life, as are we it is a new way of doing things and it requires organization.
From a Siritual perspective It's about renunciation ,

More snow and gratefulness

This morning was a winter wonderland the birds were at the bird feeder,the deer greeted us patiently waiting silent,the birds were flying hi...